Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's Ok Thursday... or Friday

Ok, I promised my sweet sister I would post for It's OK Thursday this week, so here we go.
Please keep in mind all I've done this week is work.  I'm an accountant and trying to close the 2011 books.

Its Ok Thursdays
It's ok...

That I've eaten at a restaurant for the past two nights by myself just to get out of the office

That my washing machine hasn't run in over a week meaning dirty clothes are falling out of the hamper

That my new friend, the cleaning guy, said to let him know if I needed a vote for Employee of the Month because he had my back

That I screamed at said new friend, the cleaning guy, last night even when I knew he was in the building.  I need therapy for the rediculous jumpiness I have.

That I had to call a friend way too late so I wouldn't scream at new friend, the cleaning guy, when I walked thru the building to my car... even though I knew he was in the building... I have a problem...

That I'm bursting with pride that my sister's team won the district FFA Parliamentary Procedure competition tonight!!

That I texted an old FFA friend to tell her about the win and we took some time to relive the good old days

That said sister texted me today to let me know that she wouldn't be wearing my jacket because it was too old and turning orange... that didn't hurt my feelings at all :)

That my mom was right and the older you get, all the moisture leaves your body, my face is flaking off, I can't find a remedy, and I can't stand it!!!

That I'm more scared to be in this building with someone than by myself

That I'm obsessed with Words with Friends... OBSESSED

That I'm not going to be satisfied until I beat my cousin in Words with Friends, he gets me every time!

That God has to beat me over the head sometimes, but I eventually get it, at least a little piece of it.

That I want to re-do my den, but I have no skills and no idea where to start

That this post has gone on wayyyy tooooo long.

That I brought my pajamas to change into once everyone else left work.

That I'm craving a teeth cleaning

That I had to have my picture made at work today, so I tried really hard to look nice, dried my hair all the way, extra makeup... I looked horrible!!  Drunk or high in most of the pictures, the picture taking girl kept trying to say nice things, but the head lady said we had to try again b/c the best of the bunch was so awful.  Second round was not much better, but I think we found one non-drunk looking picture.

That I started a new food tracking thing, and I have a problem I never would have guessed, sugar... I don't eat sweets on a regular basis, but I do LOVE my large McDonald's Coke in the morning.  Must. Cut. The. Coke.

Ok, I'm done.  Happy Thurs...I mean Friday!!

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