Friday, August 23, 2013


Trials, we all have them, right?  Sometimes more than others, sometimes more heavy than others.  As of late, it seems like I have several friends going through heavy trials, with kids, sickness, jobs, alcohol, etc.  Recently I've been faced with a few trials.  They seem minor compared to my friends, but still, on some days, really major in my world.  As I've wanted to encourage friends during this time, I've looked for scripture on trials, words of wisdom, or encouragement.  One favorite is in James 1:2-8

2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.

I was telling a friend not long ago that I thought he was missing the boat on finding the joy in his trial, on giving thanks for his trial.  Not wanting to be a hypocrite, as I drove to work this morning, I took some time to thank God for my trials, for what he is teaching me, for how he is maturing me and showing me His plan for my life.  It's not easy when you are beat up to find the joy and to give thanks, but the peace that gave me and the perspective it gave me to pray that is tremendous.  It takes away a little of the pity party and instead gives me a burst to push through to the other side. 

As I've studied this passage, I was also comforted seeing wisdom offered in Verse 5, because what are we searching for during most trials, wisdom.  And we are promised this wisdom if we ask for it. 

Verse 6 is hard, because I doubt sometimes whether my wisdom is coming from my own brain and desires or from God and His will and desires for my life.  So the prayer becomes a request for wisdom along with confidence that the Holy Spirit is involved and guiding my mind. 

Then, what do I find today, as I read on in Verse 12?  12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
So he closes it out with the biggie, the promise of eternal life, the promise that if we trudge through, if we fight the fight, and persevere, we are promised life with Him.  What a blessing, what hope, what a gift. 

You know my other secret for perseverence thorough trials?  God has blessed me with the best family and friends a girl could ask for.  I have Christian parents and sisters standing ready to help me fight, along with friends that would make you jealous.  That kind that pray for you whenever you ask and when you don't, love you when you are dumb, listen to you when you are dumber, and love love love you through it all.

Yup, I'm blessed.  Thank you, Lord.   

Thursday, May 16, 2013

What's been Pinteresting lately?

I'm kind of a fad girl, and so when I first found Pinterest, I was all about it, but then I fell off the wagon.  I've jumped back on lately and I've found some good stuff!

First, my latest smoothie recipe...

greencitrusrazzledazzle: 1 large bunch/bag of organic baby spinach (stems and all), 4 peeled whole oranges, 1 cup of raspberries, 1/2 cup of ice, 2 bananas and about 1/3 cup of fruit juice (mango puree is awesome) or water... I used strawberries instead of raspberries and orange juice
It was good, and filling.  I'd give it a thumbs up.  PS... what has happened to the embed feature on Pinterest.  I feel like I'm going to have to quit using pics, because I don't know how to link and give someone credit.  But here's the pinterest link..

Then, my not-so-healthy find.  I've just discovered the amazing deliciousness of Nutella.  I know, not sure how on earth I missed that train, but holy smokes, it's incredible, so when I saw this picture and label, I knew I had to give it a try...

Nutella-Stuffed Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt

Amazing!!  They were so good, rave reviews from the family.  The recipe is here.

So, that's my cooking world lately.  I'm thinking tonight I'm going to go back to a favorite pinterest recipe of mine I reviewed in this post.  Love that chicken recipe.

Have a great Thursday!! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Running Update

I've been running, and it's fun. 

Several things have happened in my world of running in the past few months.

First off, I enlisted the help of Running Start to speed up!  Jane set me up a schedule to start some serious speed work.  Let me just say, I had never done the speed work stuff.  Whoa nelly, that is NOT easy.  But it's kind of a fun hard, it's also a kind of "I think I might die" hard, but I like it, and I'm seeing results. 

A few weeks ago I did a 5K, hoping to improve on my PR.  Um, not so much, but completely my fault.  I didn't have my watch and I started out like a wild woman, 90 to nothing.  Needless to say, I couldn't hold that pace, and people started passing me.  Note to self, don't start out at a 6:30 pace when you run 10 minute miles.  Looking forward to the next one and pacing myself a bit better.  It was a fun day, with fun friends (who, let me brag, ALL placed in their age groups), followed by a delicious breakfast, great Saturday morning in my opinion.

At the end of April, I did the country music half marathon in Nashville, TN.  This was my second half.  The fun part, I knocked over 13 minutes off my last time and set a new PR (thank you speed work!).  The not so fun part, it rained the WHOLE time.  I mean non-stop.  The actual run in the rain, not so bad.  The beginning and the end, of just standing and freezing in the rain, not fun at all.  But, I do think the rain encouraged me to run and little harder and and little faster.

Then two weekends ago, I did my first relay.  It was really fun, and at the end of the day, I still had friends.  You see, I first read about this relay on this great blog.  I thought it sounded like so much fun, 5 friends and 53 miles, supporting a great cause, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.  I kept it in the back of my mind all year, and early this year, I looked it up.  Several of my favorite girls from high school run, so I had this vision of us bonding, enjoying each other, pictures, running.  I just can't tell you how much fun we were having in my visions, so I send an email about it... crickets, I hear nothing back from any of them.  So, one by one, I begin calling them.  And it went like this, 3 phone calls in a row...
Me: Did you see my email on the relay? I didn't hear anything back.
Friend:  That wasn't a joke?
Me: No
Friend: Are you crazy?
Me:  No, it will be fun!
Friend:  What part of 53 miles is fun?
But eventually, after much prodding, all 3 said yes.  I added to the group a friend from work who loves relays, and we had our team!  I had commitments from the team members and just needed to fill out the paperwork.  I was having so much trouble with a name.  In the meantime, a very close friend of mine's father passed away.  His father had had Type 1 diabetes, so in tribute to his dad, who was also a runner, our team name was born, Ronnie's Road Runners. 
Race day, we were at the school ready to go.  And it was raining.  And it rained 50 of the 53 miles on us!  Running a relay is so very different, and I know there are things we could have done better (like the van not getting lost trying to find the next checkpoint), and we probably could have been a little faster (we finished middle of the pack of the all female teams, darn tutus beat us), but overall it was so much fun.  Great to hang out with old friends I don't see enough, great to want to push yourself for your team, great to jump back out in the rain for another leg, great that my mom let us borrow her van with heated seats!  I can't thank my friends enough for being willing to join me in this adventure.  Looking forward to next year!
Our team's donation page is still open if you want to donate.  A goal for next year is to do a better job fundraising!  Ronnie's Road Runners

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Best Compliment

So, I think I've finally realized what I want to be when I grow up...
drum roll please...
a good friend. 
 Dorky, right, but true.
 I want to be kind of friend that makes an impact,
the kind that keeps your secrets,
 the kind that gives advice that is loving, wise, and seasoned with salt,
the kind that encourages when you are down, and helps pick you up,
the kind that loves well,
the kind that speaks truth in love. 
That's what I want to be.
And I know I can only do it with God's help. 
 I know that without God, there is no wisdom, only worldly opinion,
 and there is no truth with love, only judgement. 

So today, when I sent a discouraged friend a message,
and I received the following reply,
 it made my day,
my week,
maybe my month.
  "Thank you so much.  You have no idea how much I need that. The Lord sends you things when you no doubt need them most." 

You see, what greater compliment can I receive than to know the Lord used me to encourage today?  I say this not with any pride in my heart about anything I did,
but with thankful heart that God allowed me the opportunity to give a friend a boost today,
 that He gave me the words that this person needed to hear.

Today also reignited a passion to be studying God's word regularly. 
I want to be wise,
I want to speak truth,
and the only way to do that is to be knowledgeable in the things and ways of God. 

So here's to great friends, those that change our lives for the better!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Long Time No Talk

I have a million things to say, and several half written posts.  But let's start with the present.  Boston.  I was at work listening to a radio show when I heard the news.  Sick.  As more info came in and then video, the feelings turned to horror, sorrow, and disgust.  How could someone do this?  This was premeditated.  This was with intent of maiming and injuring people.  I just can't wrap my head around that. 
Today, I worked from home.  I normally don't turn on the TV on days I'm working, but I saw the news on the bombing suspects this morning, so I turned it on and left it on all day.  You know what struck me?  The number of times the word fear was used.  Now please don't take this the wrong way.  Please don't read the rest of this and think "wow, she must think she's really high and mighty".  If I had been in Watertown today, my rump would have been inside, probably in the basement, away from windows, praying no one came to my door.  I don't play around with stuff like that.  But still after 12 hours of news time (way too much), I'm plagued by this word 'fear'.  It just doesn't have to be a reality for us.  We don't have to live in fear.  First I watched the news, where fear was a hot topic, then in commercials, celebrities are telling us to buy gold so we don't have to fear the economy.  I'm telling you, you need a nerve pill just after watching a couple round of commercials. 
All this to say, WE NEED JESUS!!!  So desperately.  We don't have to live in fear.  I catch myself in fear over what political leaders might do, or might vote in, or might allow, but my hope doesn't rest in them.  I love America, but my hope doesn't rest in it.  My hope, my freedom of fear rest in Jesus.  Knowing that he has paid the price for my salvation, and He has promised me eternal life in heaven.  I really can't imagine life without that promise, I can't imagine thinking that this world is all there is. As America becomes less and less isolated from the dangers of the rest of the world, I think it's so important to remember fear shouldn't control us as Christians.

2 Timothy 1:7 - one of my favorites
  "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline"

We have power over our thoughts.  Don't give into fear.  Remember we are God's children.  He loves us.  He has a paradise laid out for us.

As a favorite hymn so truthfully says, "This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through.  My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue.  The angels beckon me from heaven's open door and I can't feel at home in this world anymore."

Monday, February 11, 2013

Killed It!!!

I saw an email from Fleet Feet the other day advertising a free 5K for tonight.  I asked my cousin if she was up for it.  She said she was in, so I packed it up early at work tonight and headed that way.  My running buddies told me this morning they were expecting a PR.  I thought it was a possibility as it was a night race (I run faster at night), and I've been putting in lots of miles and feeling stronger.  My last PR was a 33:27 last April. 

I forgot my watch, which was a little frustrating, because I had no clue on my distance or speed the whole time.  I told Emily before we started I was going to shoot for a PR and she was a huge encourager.  So, race started and I kicked it, probably a touch too fast.  I think the first mile is the worst, it just takes that long to get in the groove.  But I digress, I just ran and ran hard.  Hard enough it hurt a little but with enough reserve to try to make it the whole time.  It started out on concrete, which I don't love, but then we turned and ran through a very pretty neighborhood.  There was some incline, a one short but tough real incline, but once that one was over, the last half was a lot of decline.  I tried to take advantage of every one of those.  I was going crazy in my mind wondering what my pace was, I knew I was running hard, but I just have no sense of pace. 

When we turned back into the parking lot, I was wincing to see the clock.  Couldn't see, couldn't see, finally started to make it out, 33:07, I think kick it, beat your time, until I get a little closer and see it's not 33 minutes, it's 30 minutes.  Shock I tell you, pure shock and joy!!  I run to the finish and pass the clock at 31:07.  Woo-hoo!!!!  2:20 faster than last year!!  Almost a 10 minute pace!! 

And I didn't believe it.  See, tonight was called a Ladies First.  So they started the women, then 2 minutes later started the men.  So, I think, they must have started the clock over when the guys left, and that's ok, I still PR'd.  So I found the race girl, and asked if they started the clock over.  She said NO!!!  I fist pumped, might have scared her a little, and a grin that would not go away crossed my face.

So here I sit, with achy legs, and a goofy grin!  I'm one excited girl!  Thanks to Emily for meeting me (wouldn't have made it otherwise) and for cheering me on!  Good times!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

February Happiness Project

So I really, really liked the January Happiness Project more than I expected.  I may not have met all goals perfectly, but I made progress in all areas. 

January was all about surviving work, and I did it, with much more grace and many fewer breakdowns than last year.  Yay, me.  During February, I would like to continue with the January goals, but add some new things.  February's focus is going to be health.  So here are the problems, and the goals.

1.  6 pounds.  Yes, January was a success in many areas, but I also apparently ate my way thru January, and between it and the holidays, I've put on about 6 pounds in the past few months.  Not pretty.  My clothes are tighter and it just doesn't feel good.  By the end of February, at least 4 of those need to be gone!  A pound a week is not too much to ask, right??

2.  Arms.  I've been doing a better job with my abs when I'm on the floor doing my hip exercises.  Normally, I just add some crunches to the mix, but my arms are getting nothing!  So, I ordered some 3 pound weights yesterday to be delivered to my office.  I watched a you tube video with a 15 minute workout.  I think I can incorporate some of these during lunch maybe 3 times a week, just to do something to be working on my arms. 

3.  Water.  At some point last year, my friend, Melissa, and I started holding each other accountable during the day on drinking 64 ounces of water.  It really helped me.  It's not that I don't like water, I just get busy during the day and forget to fill up my cup.  We jumped back on the wagon yesterday, and mission accomplished!  When I drink my water, I find myself with less headaches, less desire for Coke, and I know it's great for me. 

4.  Lunch.  It's my most difficult meal of the day.  I really wish I weren't hungry and I didn't have to worry with it.  I rarely leave for lunch during the work day, so most days, I end up sending money with whoever is headed out to bring me something back.  Bad idea, unhealthy and expensive.  So, last week, I headed to Target and bought fruits, yogurt, string cheese, etc. so I would have some healthy alternatives in the office.  Friday, I made my first smoothie in the office.  I overdid it on the spinach, but overall, not too bad.  So, the plan is to eat in and healthy on the days I don't have lunch plans. The biggest challenge is planning ahead and making sure I have food at the office.  Planning ahead is not my strong suite, but I need to be working on bettering myself, right? 

So, that's the plan.  I can't go too stringent on dieting rules, it just doesn't work for me, I have a bit of a rebel streak, and when I set strict parameters, it seems like all I want to do is eat pizza and Snickers, so hopefully some added exercise, more water, and more intentional food choices will help me feel stronger and healthier by the end of the month.  I'll keep you posted!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Super Bowl Saturday

I'm linking up with Sarah today for some Super Bowl talk!

1. Do you watch the actual game or only watch for commercials and half time?
The game.  If you know me, you know I love football!  Funny commercials are just a bonus.

2. Which team did you want to make it to the Superbowl?
I enjoy keeping up with the Titans, but they made it clear early on they wouldn't be contending this year.  As the playoffs rolled around, I jumped on the Ray-Lewis-is-retiring-Go-Ravens bandwagon, much to the dismay of all my Peyton/Denver loving friends.
3. Which team will you root for? The Ravens or the 49ers?
Yup, still cheering for the Ravens.  There is actually a guy from my hometown on the 49ers, so I wouldn't be disappointed at all to see him win a ring!  I just hope it's a great game!

Looking forward to a good time with friends and football, two of my favorites!


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday Randoms

1.  Saw on SkinnyRunner's blog today where she said you can't out run or out exercise a bad diet.  Hmmm, maybe that's my problem.

2.  I heard on the radio that leafy greens are the biggest culprit for food poisoning.  I ought to be safe on that one..

3.  Strawberries seem to be coming back, yay!!!

4.  I signed up for the Country Music Half Marathon in April, woo-hoo!!  Excited and scared!

5.  Work is kicking my rump this week.  I work, go home, and work some more.  Not the most fun, but I'm seeing the light... I think

6.  A friend at work brought in the most delicious turtle brownies today.  Wow!

7.  See #2 and #6, I'm pretty sure February's mini goals are going to have to do with getting my eating under control!

8.  It was crazy warm this morning.  I ran in shorts!  And in good Tennessee fashion, it appears I will be in fleece lined tights in the morning.

9.  I'm concerned about my bug guy.  He never misses an appointment and he didn't show up to spray this morning.

10.  My sister, my cousin, and I had makeover night last night.  Very fun!  Cousin is a makeup pro, and I think sister's notes and drawings are going to leave her with a fun new look!

11.  I bought this curling wand, and first try was a fro disaster, but I'm liking the results today!

Happy Tuesday!  Smile and make someone else smile today!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Babysitting at it's Best

I need to take a moment to flash back to last month when my cousin agreed to go to with me to my sister's house and babysit when her sitter cancelled on her, because I was terrified to do it on my own thought it would be more fun with two of us.

Emily is definitely the baby person...

I'm a fan of those who can walk and play...

I wanted him to smile, so I said to show teeth, this is the result...

Fletcher was sad...

And made us all sad...

Time for a photo session...

Where I played with the flash and made Will look scary...

And the final collage of the night...

Saturday, January 26, 2013

2013 Theme

I've seen several bloggers who focus on a theme for the year.  Neat idea.  I've been thinking about what mine would be.  I have it.  It's TRUST.  Trusting God in everything; not trying to manipulate things to go the way I want them to go.  I can already see it making a difference.  My heart is lighter, my burdens not as heavy.  He's got this.  That doesn't mean His plan will always necessarily be what I think it should be at the moment; it doesn't mean things will be easy for me; it doesn't mean I won't make mistakes.  But it means I don't have all this weight on me of analyzing all these aspects of my life and trying to figure them out.  I'm not in control, at least I don't want to be anymore.  I want God in control, but the only way I can really let that happen is to really trust, even WHEN THINGS DON'T GO MY WAY The underline and capitalize is for me, to remind me, trusting means I'm not allowed to make all the decisions; I can't say I'm trusting then when things take a turn, try to shift everything back to my plan.

I think I've repeated myself about 10 times now, but I have to, because God has been trying to tell me this for years now, and I've ignored it.  Seriously, lately it seems like every devotional I read is about trust.  I get, God, I'm finally getting it.  So, if you see me, if you talk to me, on the days I'm feeling confused and frustrated, remind me, TRUST.

Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.

This morning I was telling a friend about my theme of trust, and she sent me this verse...

Psalms 112:4,7  Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man...  He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

So here's to a year of trust and watching God's plan unfold in my life :-)

Friday, January 25, 2013

21 graces

I'm linking up with Jordy today for 21 graces.  She decided to begin recording 3 graces (what I might call gifts) every day and then listing them each week.  I think it's such an awesome way to keep my mind in thankful mode.


1.  Extended breakfast chat with a friend.
2.  4.5 mile run with no pain.
3.  A night to relax and catch up.
4.  A sermon that spoke to me.
5.  Football with friends.
6.  God providing me devotionals with the same theme to make me listen.
7.  Fun co-workers.
8.  The ability to work all night.
9.  Friends you can ask to pray for you on hard days.
10.  A walk with a friend.
11.  Rejoicing with others in their accomplishments.
12.  A mom who never fails to make me laugh.
13. Pictures of my nephews.
14.  Running
15.  Pro/con lists with a friend.
16. Blog posts that challenge and inspire me.
17. Catching up with friends from the past.
18. Sharing in the joy of engagements with friends.
19. Sprouting buttercups.
20.  Lots of coffee at my favorite breakfast place.
21.  A clean bedroom.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Flashback: My 30th Birthday

I can load pictures again!!!!!!!!!!  I don't know how, I don't know why, but woo-hoo!!!

I have fantastic family and friends.  For my 30th birthday, my sister, Clair, and my friend, Brianne, organized a scavenger hunt for my birthday.  I came back across the pictures tonight.  They crack me up!

I can't remember what all was on the list, but the teams were to take pictures as they executed the tasks.  I only have two teams pics on my computer, so I'll share some of those.

Hostess Brianne snagged some mild sauce for points

Hostess Clair, um, can't remember why a plastic whale would score her points
The rest of Bri and Clair's team.  They thought this counted as taking a shower. hmmm

And my team, hanging out with the canon on the square.  Cute, aren't they??
Erin with the sombrero
John took on the sombrero for our team
 Even got the WalMart folks in the game to spell out my name
 Pre cartwheel

Cute girls on the slide

And the one that almost makes me wet my pants every time I see it... the boys spelling out my name...

 It was such a fun way to celebrate turning 30.  Some of these friends have been with me always, some are newer, but they all have in common they are some of my favorite people in the whole wide world!!
I would definitely encourage a scavenger hunt sometime.  We all had a blast.  Just find a creative person to come up with tasks, grab a camera to document completing the tasks and off you go.
Thanks so much to the organizers and the partiers!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Random Wednesday

1.  I still can't post pictures.  My lack of blog skills is reaching a point of utter frustration.  I've tried different  computers, downloaded Mozilla, looked at settings.  I do not know what I've done, ugh!!!

2.  The 4 pounds I wanted to lose has turned to 6.  I think the February goals may have to work on food, or maybe a little lack thereof.

3.  I think I signed up to host a Super Bowl party for friends of friends, and the first tier friends won't be attending.  Does that make sense?  I don't think I explained that well, but they are fun folks who love their football, and I love to host, and I have two couches (much to my running pal's chagrin)

4.  I think my red jeans have shipped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5.  Going back to Pure Barre tonight.  I'm sorry, arms, I'm sorry.

6.  How fun is it to see others around you succeed??  Love that!

7.  I watch Sports Center... for fun... until baseball season starts.

8.  I've jumped on the Ray-Lewis-is-retiring-Go-Ravens bandwagon.  My football boys have shunned me.  I don't care.  Go Rayvens (did you see that play on words there?  sometimes my cleverness amazes me)

9.  I hate every.single.time I lose in any of these phone games, Words with Friends, Scramble, SongPop, Matching... good thing I'm pretty darn good :-)

10.  My friends at work gave me a Lulu Lemon gift certificate for my birthday.  How cool!!!  I'm hoping to make it to Nashville in time to do some shopping with it this weekend.  I hear capris and running tights calling my name!

Happy Wednesday!! 

Colossians 3:23 - Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January, How Have I Done??

So, how have I done on the January resolutions??

Let me start with this.  January 2013 has been loads and loads better than January 2012.  January 2012 was rough, in every way imaginable.  This year, I came up with some ways to survive January.  Let's see how I've followed through...

1.  I will eat dinner with a friend at least once a week... Success!  Friends at work, friends at church, running friends, high school friends, family friends, favorite guy friends, family, I've seen them all.  Sometimes it's a quick dinner and back to work, but it's still a break from the office.  It's still staying connected, oh my, how I've realized that when all you want to do is go home plop on the couch and eat Totino's pizza, the thing that gives me the biggest boost is to talk to a friend.

2.  I'm in physical therapy 3 mornings a week for this knee issue. The other 2 mornings I will walk, hopefully soon I will run. I will do the hip exercises he gave me at least 5 days a week... I'm back to running (she says as she lifts her hands in praise to the Lord)  I'm so very thankful.  Saturday I did 4.5 glorious miles.  It was wonderful.  I've been doing my hip exercises and I'm seeing a big difference.  Must make those hips strong and able to handle big miles.  I've also had to learn it's ok not to run every day, these long work days just aren't conducive to every day running.  So rest days are good, breaks are good.  Bodies and legs and brains need rest.

3.   I will spend at least 10 minutes a day on household chores, including hanging up clothes, dishes, laundry so that things don't pile up... Ok, so not 100% on this one.  I started strong, but today, dishes are overtaking my counters and I'm running out of socks because I haven't done laundry in a week.  But, an awesome friend helped me put my room in order and it's clean  Yay!!!  And I've kept it in order.  Currently there are no clothes laying on the bed or in the floor, all is clear.  So, while there have been some major accomplishments in this area, I still want to get back on the 10 minute train to keep everything under control.

4.  I will ride a horse at least once during the month... I'm running out of time on this one.

5.  I will tackle some task that's hanging over my head at least once per week...  Pretty disappointed in myself on this one, lots of junk still hanging over my head, but room cleaning was big.

6.   I will read my Jesus Calling devotional every day. I will journal at least twice per week. I will read James over and over during the month. I will keep count of how many times...  Utter fail.  I've read Jesus Calling sporadically, which is insane, because it's SO GOOD!!!!  Journaling, not so much.  My new Jesus Calling is a journal, so I've done a smidge, but really another faily.  I've read James... once.  Working on it again.

7.  I will do arm and ab exercises at least 3 times per week...  Not so much.  I've done some abs while I've been laying on the floor doing my hip exercises.  I also went to my first Pure Barre class, really really tough!  I'm going again tomorrow night.  There were lots of pushups in the beginning, made me realize how I've let my arms go completely.  It hurt to turn the steering wheel for 3 days.

So, some good, some bad, but all in all, I think having a plan and keeping these things in the back of my mind have really helped me make it a better month!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

It's Ok

It's been a while since I linked up, but I always love

Its Ok Thursdays
It's Ok
...that I can't make blogger upload pictures, except it's not ok, it's a real bummer, and I have a few draft posts sitting out there that just need pictures!!!  Maybe my other computer will cooperate. finally have a little snow!!  That's right, snow day here in TN!  Of course, I'm still at work, and not enjoying the snow, but I can see it on my car out the window.  And I think this is a good excuse to leave early tonight, don't you?? have -0- desire to get up and run when it's this cold and windy.  My friends are still doing their part, but I'm keeping my warm footsies in bed.  Must do better this week! be so excited about a high school basketball game tomorrow night.  I'm surrounded by coaches in my life, and my friend since 5th grade coaches a fantastic team ranked one of the top 10 in the country.  Tomorrow night they play another Top 10  team.  The battle of the undefeateds.  I can't wait to cheer her on! have created a new song game to keep me awake and entertained for late night drives home.  When I was a kid, my family played a game in the car where one person would sing the line of a song, then the next person had to pick a word from that song and sing a line of a song that used that word.  Do I have you good and confused?  Well, I've now talked to dear friends into playing with me over the Voxer walkie talkie app on our phones.  I'm talking it's hysterical, they are good sports. sing a Veggie Tales classic "Oh Where is My Hairbrush" during said song game watch a hair tutorial and then buy 4 new hair products on the Internet because you are just sure with the right product your hair will do exactly what hers did  (um, yeah, already having a little buyer's remorse on that) now want a $30 curling wand you saw a different girl use on her video hair turorial, b/c you are sure your hair can look like that (when will I learn??) be way excited about my Oxo containers for organizing my pantry be slightly obsessed with the Manti Ta'o story kind of to the point it might have slightly hurt some productivity at work because the emails and texts messages flying back and forth with wise cracks were owning me! be ready for high school football to be back, and to anxiously await the spring game feel good about feeling like I followed something God wanted me to do even when I didn't want to do it. 
Happy Thursday!  Hopefully I'll be back soon with pictures!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

January... I will Survive

As I mentioned yesterday, January is all about survival for me.  Work is completely overwhelming during this month, and it tends to take over my life, my attitude, and my mind.  Last year wasn't pretty.  So, these are my resolutions for the month.  I'm going to write them out and follow up on how I'm doing every week.

1.  I already mentioned this, but I will eat dinner with a friend at least once a week.  We will have fun.  We will bond.  (Are you listening out there potential dinner dates?)  We will not talk about accounting.  I will leave the office early.

2.  I'm in physical therapy 3 mornings a week for this knee issue.  The other 2 mornings I will walk, hopefully soon I will run.  I will do the hip exercises he gave me at least 5 days a week.

3.  I will spend at least 10 minutes a day on household chores, including hanging up clothes, dishes, laundry so that things don't pile up.  I hate when I walk in my house and think, has a burglar ransacked the place, no, that's the way I left it this morning.

4.  I will ride a horse at least once during the month.

5.  I will tackle some task that's hanging over my head at least once per week.

6.  I will read my Jesus Calling devotional every day.  I will journal at least twice per week.  I will read James over and over during the month.  I will keep count of how many times.

7.  I will do arm and ab exercises at least 3 times per week.

Ok, that's it.  I kind of like this one month thing.  I don't like commitment.  I try to avoid it at all costs, so just signing up for one month of stuff is not nearly as intimidating as resolutions for an entire year!

I think the big thing this list is missing is something that involves giving back.  Maybe I'll figure out where to fit that in during the month.  I think that's a big missing piece in my life right now.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 Quick Randoms

1.  I've become meaner and less agreeable in the past year.  I'm going to fix that.

2.  I'm reading the book The Happiness Project.  I like it.  I'm probably a quarter of the way through, and  I'm ready to implement some of her suggestions for 2013 for myself.  I just like the idea behind the whole thing, becoming happier.  And it's not just that, it's really just being in control of yourself.  It's 4.99 as a Kindle right now, in my opinion, definitely worth $5 or $9 for the paperback.

3.  Related, I'm really excited to be reading a book again.  I've just been completely disinterested in books for a couple years, after being an avid reader most of my life.  I've always liked non-fiction more anyway, so maybe The Happiness Project will get me back on the reading bandwagon.

4.  If you have a Kindle, the Kindle app is pretty darn awesome.  I just downloaded it this week, and you can go back and forth between the real Kindle and the phone and it tracks where you are, etc.  All the books you've downloaded on the Kindle are available on the phone.  Way cool!

5.  My physical therapist for this morning was a runner.  He felt my pain in not being able to run.  Really nice guy who gave me some really great suggestions on what to do.  One of the things he told me to use was The Stick.  My friend, Erin, had given me one when during my last injury, so I already have it, woo-hoo.  The not woo-hoo part, the thing is killer.  My thigh is still sore to the touch after using that thing!

6.  I'm pretty sure I have some sugar issues.  I'm pretty sure it might be related to how I feel.  I'm pretty sure cutting out sugar and sweets would resolve the issue.  I'm pretty sure as much as I hate it, that needs to be a big effort for this new year... I used to rarely eat sweets, never was much of a candy person, but here lately, I'll go to the candy jar at work after lunch, and I'll eat the dessert that I used to normally pass up.  It's not just the extra calories, I think it's making me feel really bad and really weird, and may be part of my moodiness problem...
So question... what do you keep on hand for a healthy snack.  I'll often end up staying at work late and grab a mini Snickers when it's time for supper to hold me over until I make it home.  What would you be eating in that situation???

7.  January is my most difficult work month of the year.  It's guaranteed late nights, long hours, weekends, working from home, just lots and lots of work.  Goal for that is to stay positive, be cheery, and remember how blessed I am to have a great job and great people with whom to work (really trying not to end with a preposition... you're welcome Mr. Ham and Mrs. Deborah).  Another goal is to try to have dinner with someone, friend, family, anyone who will have me, at least once during the week to break things up and leave the office at a decent time, and have non-work related conversations, even if I work once I go home.

8.  God and I chatted last night, and I once again resolved to let him have control and quit fighting for my own way.  Oh my goodness, you would think I would have this through my head by now.  Get with the program, Anna Catherine, it's so much easier on you if you quit trying to manipulate and justify things.  Just let go.  "His yoke is easy, his burden is light"  "Cast all your cares upon Him" "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

9.  I'm planning to sign up for the Music City Half Marathon.  It's one I've always wanted to do, and while I've heard it can be a booger, I still want to do it!

10.  My newest game playing app is Song Pop.  Have you played?  It's fantastic!  Love it!  Except my friend who has downloaded the Pro Wrestling song list.  Say what??  Who knows what song matches what wrestler??  He destroys me on that one every single time.  It has me questioning our friendship  :-)

Hope to be back soon with some specifics on what I'm planning to implement from The Happiness Project and how it goes, but then again, I was going to do a post on my Christmas decor b/c I thought it was so darn cute, and as I was taking the last few ornaments off the tree, I remembered I never took a picture.  Grrrr 

Happy 2013!!!